Monday, July 5, 2010

America: A Love-Hate Relationship

This is the post that I'm sure all of you have been waiting for....after being out of the US for 4 months and staying as far away as the average American as're probably thinking...what on earth does Sarah think of us now??? :P

Now that I'm back to being surrounded by them all day and everyday, of course my patience is being tested. I love this country, but the time away from its values, society and people were refreshing to me. But I have to adjust and accept [some] things once again and pick up where my life left off here.

Take a look at a few of my first observations about American culture.

First of all, let me say that when I was walking off the plane in Newark, NJ with my newly made Spanish friends who were visiting New Orleans [which is another story :P], the two men I had sat next to on the plane and I were going to take a picture before we parted. We should've taken one by the gate or before we reached the escalators cause once we got down there we were near the ropes where citizens and non citizens separate. I told my one friend what about the foto we were going to take...and he called his other friend over and we were getting things in order to take one when this stupid lady "directly traffic" near the two lines heard the word "foto." Blast Spanish and its cognates sometimes!!! She was like "Photos? This is the United States Customs there will be no photos or cameras out at this time. Please move forward and on your way." The customs area was so lame anyways but I had to respect their wishes. I was NOT a terrorist people. I did think to myself, "Welcome to America," and I think I said it under my breath too. What a warm welcome it was. haha No, it made me mad and I was already wishing I could go back to Madrid.
So unfortunately I said goodbye to my friends in Spanish and proceeded through the citizen's line--which was like empty. In fact all of customs was super empty for a Sat. afternoon. So dumb.

Well, that was my welcome that I had to share. But here are the observations you have all been waiting for:

1. I can't understand people from the South. I saw the movie, "Facing the Giants," in English at a friend's apartment in April and literally COULD NOT understand what the director's wife was saying. Granted it's not the greatest acting it in, but I could not say before that I couldn't understand movies in English before.

2. People are always, ALWAYS on their phones here...texting, emailing, surfing the net, calling people--it's so ridiculous! In Spain only the businessmen would be on theirs a lot, but most of the people would be walking, talking or meeting with friends and then spending time in person with them. America is very impersonal at times.

3.People dress sloppily and too informally at times. Oh, and apparently anything goes these days! Yuckkk.

4. Motorcyclists who don't wear helmets, jackets or boots are IDIOTS here. And after seeing everyone who rode a motor bike in Spain wear a helmet and smart clothes all the time in Spain, seeing people who aren't aware of the importance of those things and the dangers of riding a motor bike REALLY annoy me. I nearly flipped out the first time I saw people without helmets back in late May. lol

5. People get waited on and served even if they don't have a shirt on!!!! What is this??? Could it just be Southwestern Ohio or do you see those people in your neighborhood too??

6. The North is still abrupt and as inconsiderate as always. Although more people have been smiling at me in Dayton than ever before either. Must be my foreigner vibe though....

7. Americans expect people to accept them or make an exception for them because they only speak English or are if they "don't" know any better.

8. Americans automatically think they deserve peoples', it must be earned cause we have quite the mess to clean up over in Europe.

9. Ohio drivers are terrible! There is no aggressive driving in Ohio like there is in NY, FL and the European Union. (This was actually just a reminder for me as I have lived in this state most of my life.)

10. Guys will hit on you like it's going out of style if you dress like a everyday Spaniard [everything looks fashionable and matches-haha].

11. I've noticed that with the Mexicans here it's perfectly okay to ask if you have a boyfriend and if not, are you going to get one. Or even suggest that at their restaurant oh, for sure you will find one here! Whaaaat?! lol

12. Everything has to be done quickly, but not necessarily enjoyed.

13. People whine and complain about the tiniest little things; especially the second things don't go right for them.

14. It seems like only the real serious couples kiss and hold hands in public....not much chivalry here. I really miss that about Spain! Seeing PDAs here doesn't really phase me at all since I saw it all the time in Spain. I think it's sweet [within reason-haha] and necessary.

Well, that's it for now! I've spent most of this evening writing these blog I need to recover and go listen to some Spanish music! :P

Un saludo y muchos abrazos fuertes a todos!


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