Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Tienes suerte si....

You're extremely lucky if you are reading this and can do any (or all) of the following things:

*Get out of your bed, get dressed and WALK to your classes
*Have a bowl of cereal with milk in it!
*Can print things from your own room/house instead of having to go a store or the school copy center!!!
*Pay for things in dollars and not have to take money out of ATMs
*Not have to watch the exchange rate for the Euro constantly
*See your family on the weekends or call them up from your own cell phone
*Have the OPTION of putting salt on or in your food
*Breathe air that's free and clear of smoke!!
*Have access to a kitchen and can bake or cook things for yourself whenever you want
*Making money every week instead of just spending but not earning any

I'm not home sick or anything but I have been comparing life in Spain vs. America lately cause I've had a few bad days off and on. Today was actually one of those frustrating days cause there is just so much to do and not enough time!

But I'm lucky, too cause in Spain I am able to:

*Hear Spanish and lots of other different languages in the streets all the time
*Try new and exciting foods almost every week and not have to spend money
*Meet people from all over the world
*Go to different countries on the weekends and on vacations
*Go to a Spanish church and praise God in another language
*See sunsets and sunrises that blow my mind almost every day
*Slowly become more fluent in a language that I love
*Learn things I never thought I'd be learning
*Fly to other countries for super cheap
*Have memories that money cannot buy but time will make even sweeter (you know, the little things :)
*Attempt to be as sophisticated and stylish as a European
*Learn how to party like the Spaniards
*Bring all of this knowledge, style and information back to the United States of America!

I'll be doing some updates soon, but I just wanted to write what has been on my mind for a little bit. So in the next posts....you will be reading about what my daily routine is like, Cadiz and MOROCCO!

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