Monday, March 8, 2010

God is truly amazing!

So yesterday I rediscovered that God does indeed have a sense of humor. I was on my way to my Spanish church last night but couldn't remember what the name of the street was or how far away it was from my house, so needless to say I was a little lost. Thank goodness, though, it was just a little side street off one of the main streets here in Sevilla...but finding that side street? Now, that was the struggle. However, I had a little help...
As I wandered around these smaller streets (where I thought the church was), I prayed, "God, if you want me at church to tonight, please get me there." Just your simple to-the-point prayer with a little bit of doubt mixed in there, but boy, did God answer it! Once I got back to the main street, I decided to just give up and go somewhere to sit and study, but then I kept thinking the church was farther than where I was, so I turned around. It's a good thing I did because I would've missed one of God's most beautiful reminders to us as believers:

And the street that this rainbow was over was the EXACT street Encounter Church was on! I took a few pictures of course and just started laughing.
GOD IS AWESOME!!!!!!! I hope you don't forget that (I hope I don't) as you go about your daily lives. We serve an awesome God who has an incredible sense of humor. :)

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