Monday, March 29, 2010

Time is flying!

So I've been in Spain for nearly 9 weeks now. Just writing that out blows my mind...I have never been in a foreign country for this long. It's absolutely crazy! But I'm loving every day here and just trying to make the time last....even though with Daylight Saving Time in effect as of yesterday, it seems to be slipping through my hands.
But what's been going on with me since the last time I wrote? I'm sure that's what's on your mind right now. Well, I made it through some of my toughest midterms in my college career and now I'm at spring break numero uno--Semana Santa (Spain's Holy Week). This is a huge time for the country of Spain as a whole as they get ready for Easter, but it's an even bigger deal for Sevilla because they boast the best processions and floats in the country. I was a little bummed that I decided to stay here for the first break (after I thought about my study abroad budget realistically) but now I'm really pumped! I'm so blessed to be in a city as culturally-rich and beautiful as Sevilla that I'm glad to be here for this week. People come from all over the world to Sevilla just to see its Semana Santa processions and I get to live here and see the sights as I please? I'll take that!
I'll explain what Semana Santa is exactly in the coming posts (or you can research it online!) but I just wanted to tell you all where I'm at right now in this study abroad journey.
I was looking at my pictures from New York and other places around Spain and already I see myself from a different perspective. I mean I just tackled New York City a little more than two months ago all by myself, but as I looked at my pics I thought, "Man, I look so young...and innocent."
Normally this is something you say when you're looking at pics from your teen years and you're in your late twenties--not two months after you started living abroad! But what's even more shocking is the farther I go back (like just last semester), the younger I look to myself! It's crazy, but it just goes to show you how much living abroad can change your perspective. I know so many more things now and am exposed to many different things everyday that I just can't go back to how I thought in the past. I'm gonna have one heck of a time readjusting to the United States, let me tell you!
Well, it is after midnight for me now and I have a busy week ahead of me. It's time to get some rest so I can see more of the processions tomorrow and...maybe do some homework?! Yep, such is my life in Spain.
There's always something I should be reading or working on!

'Ta luego y buenas noches! :)


P.S. I saw the funniest thing today: A carriage horse was snacking on the seat of someone's Vespa parked near the famous Alfonso XII hotel. He only scuffed it up though. I've never seen that happen in daily life so I had a good laugh as I passed by. The owner nor the carriage driver was around to reprimand the horse, so that just made it even funnier!

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