Saturday, May 15, 2010

But there were lessons learned...

Briefly, here are the most important things I've learned this semester:

*Don't worry about things you can't change or control...although you have to do your part in using the time and resources God gives you wisely, God has your best interests in heart and controls everything. Worry is just a waste of time.

*Nothing and I mean NOTHING will ever be perfect, go perfectly or be the way you want it to be get over it! And accept changes in schedule, plans and expectations. If you are reading this and know me, this is a hard thing for me to let go! haha

[Side note: I'm listening to my Zune right now and the song, "Let it Go" by Tenth Avenue North just came on. Okay, God, I hear what you're saying. :]

Anyways, I was put in a home where all the other girls are virtually perfect and pleasant and never upset our host mom but I am messy, keep odd times coming and going (cause my plans often change!) and seem to spend the least time in the house. I used to think why, oh why did you put me in the diva house, God??? But now I see His logic in it (or at least I think). I now have a greater appreciation when things go right for used to be I would get really, really upset and angry when things didn't work out and pity myself and complain, but now I have found a hidden blessing in all of this...and a lesson that I really needed to learn.
I just came to that revelation a few days ago and realized that it's a blessing this morning, so it's very fresh in my mind.

I also saw this quote on someone's profile a little while ago: "Things go wrong, so that we can appreciate them when they go right."

*I AM A VERY SELFISH PERSON. And just how much makes me sick when I actually thought about it. Everything this semester seems to have been about me...what places I'll go to, the friends I'll make (both Spanish and American), what I'll buy, learn, experience, what can I tell people back home...that I completely forgot about witnessing to the Spanish people here or letting my life be a witness to the people around me. I feel really ashamed of how I've acted at times this semester and how I've turned a little bit into a snob-just like the Europeans here. I make sure I look good and stylish and constantly check myself out in mirrors, windows, etc. I've never done it before, but they are pretty much everywhere (windows at least) and so it makes it easy to be vain here. I can only hope that people see something different about me and see that my friendship is genuine and that God can use that and my prayers to bring them to Him. I am doing my best to leave a mark on my Spanish that one day we can be brothers and sisters in Christ.

*BE CONTENT. Every time I tried to go on big trips internationally God threw a monkey wrench into my plans.
It was NOT in His plans for me to travel extensively and extravagantly here and I found that out the hard way. Not only did I not have the money to do it, but I had a purpose to fulfill here. I am thankful for the trips I've gone on and the memories made, but I am really happy that most of my time has been spent here in Sevilla. The friendships, life experiences and hands-on practice with the language have been invaluable for me. My love for Spanish is even deeper now!
I could not ask for a better experience abroad...and it is what I came here for--to get to know the people on a personal level and be so accustomed to speaking Spanish that I forget English, and that's exactly what I've gotten! God just had to break me and my pride down to where I could finally see that and really appreciate the gift that He gave me to be here....cause it is a miracle that things worked out for me to come!

Well, this brief snapshot of what I've learned this semester turned into a usual lengthy post for me. If you had the ganas [literally, guts] to read both posts congrats!

Now I'm off to continue packing (a week ahead) and finish up a paper before I head out to dinner and salsa dancing! Helloooo no sleep tonight! :)

Un beso!


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