Saturday, May 15, 2010

This is ending?

So a week from day I will leave one of the most wonderful countries that I have ever known and have called home for the past four months. With final exams and papers nagging at me to finish them, I can't help but let the memories of this semester distract me. :)
Last Tuesday I went to a Bible study that's been going on this whole term but haven't been able to go to due to a class that meets at that time. However, last Tuesday it was canceled so I was able to go. It's an English-speaking Bible study full of Americans, but it was so great to see a lot of them. It's called "Cambio" and it's led by a guy named Jake who has been here the whole school year!!! Which is just awesome....and I'm a little jealous that he's spent 5 more months here than I have. haha
The theme for this week was to share what we've learned or what God has taught us this semester here in Sevilla. A lot of people had some great stories and lessons learned....some painful to learn but beneficial nonetheless. A couple people in particular learned just how faithful God is and how He provided things they were concerned about or didn't even know they wanted and God provided.
One guy in particular did a Bible study on his own the whole semester and pretty much kept it up this entire time. He set a goal to read the whole NT in one semester and has almost completed it....He started reading Acts to Revelations and then went back to read the the Gospels separately. I think he's in either Luke or Mark right now. Something that he said really struck me. He said that he didn't realize what happens with your relationship with God when you really get into the Word. It changes it so much, but in a very good way. He found that the times when he didn't read or when he was traveling were the times he felt the most distant from God...and the most conscious of sin in his life.
What a lesson to learn during your semester abroad! I must say I'm envious that he found that closeness with God this semester....but I admire this guy for his endurance and faith. I wish I could say that this semester I grew the closest to God, but I can't.
I can't go into too much detail right now, but I am one of those people who learned some harsh realities about myself and hard lessons here in Spain. I have greater appreciation for some things in my life now though so I need to learn these, or at least God wanted to make sure I learn them.

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