Thursday, May 20, 2010

One last day

Well, this is it. This is my final day in Sevilla. I head up to Madrid tomorrow morning early to go visit Toledo (Spain's old capital) for half a day and then back to Madrid to go the airport. It feels so weird to be writing this, saying that this is my last day. I can't believe it. It feels a bit more real this morning since I helped one of my roommates move out. I wasn't home when they all moved in so I offered to help the one who was leaving, Christina, this morning cause it was the least I could do.
She was not crying at all and was upbeat about everything...she didn't even cry when she said goodbye to our senora! But it's better for everyone that you don't cry and she and Manoli were talking about how she wasn't going to cry so I think that's why.

I have SOOOOOO much to do right now but I am trying to take this all in. Last night, amidst all the crazy Sevilla fans going nuts about their win, I strolled alongside the river and took pictures and admired the couples sitting or standing by it. It was a glorious night weather-wise too which just made it wonderful. I did a lot of reflecting on my time here and on someone I wish could've experienced this all with me. It's bittersweet to say goodbye now cause with all the friends I've made here (locally) I could easily stay for awhile. But I know the time has come. I'm starting to see the city with different eyes now that I'm leaving. Sevilla has been the perfect place to live and study abroad. I couldn't have picked a better place...but now it's almost time to say goodbye.

But I feel like this is all just a see-you-later instead of goodbye. I don't know when, but I will definitely be coming back here. Spain has not seen the last of Sarah! She will return and this time with her brother, Nathan, so that they both can experience the mother country together....and have a wild, crazy and awesome time!

'Ta luego, mis amigos!!

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