Wednesday, May 19, 2010

What to expect?

I went to the last group Bible study called Cambio here in Sevilla yesterday and this girl shared a really neat verse that got me thinking. I am a bit apprehensive to come back to the US a completely different person with a lot more life experiences than I started with.

18 "Forget the former things;
do not dwell on the past.

19 See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the desert
and streams in the wasteland.
Isaiah 43:18-19

I am coming back to the States with a greater appreciation of things in my life than I ever did before. I wasn't able to talk to my family as much as I usually do, eat the things I was used to eating, coming and going when I pleased or having the same Christian encouragement I usually have through friends back in Jacksonville. However, God provided a lot of those things for me...some things I didn't even know I needed (friends who were like family, opportunities to eat for free and good, healthy grocery store finds, and Spanish Christians who want to seek God as much as I do).
But at the same time I am coming back to the States with some unresolved issues. I mean I will be giving up one freedom to gain another (being in my home country with my family) but I will have to "get used to" the things about my family again that annoy me. Also, I will have to slowly get readjusted to living in America and parting with the wonderful Spanish culture I've grown accustomed to...and dealing with America's new issues. Like public healthcare.....what?!
Honestly, I am just trying to savor the last days here. I am down to one last full day in Sevilla...and I want to make it very, very memorable. I know that it will be hard to adjust back to my life back in America and its problems, but I will just take it one day at a time. God has brought me this far and He can definitely do more neat things this summer! [Which I am excited to see what He will do after Spain.]

The goodbyes all seem surreal right now cause they feel like "see-you-laters" and that's good.
I will come back here one day....I don't know when or where or with whom, but one day I will return to this beautiful country. Spain, I will miss you so much!

Hasta la proxima vez...un beso!


P.S. A Sevilla futbol game is going on live on TV right host dad just screamed goal a few mins ago. As did the rest of this part of my neighborhood (no joke)! Ohhhh, Sevilla. :)

1 comment:

  1. I hope you really enjoy your last day, Sarah! Always remember to be content with wherever God has you (whether in Seville or the states) because it's always the best for you and there's plenty of room to grow <3

    Un besito,
    Melody Lightner
